Monday, August 31, 2009


I'm a person who likes change. I enjoy moving new places, meeting new people, experiencing new things, etc. Whenever my life becomes stagnant, I have a habit of needing to start all over. That's how I wound up in Boston right about two years ago.

When I met Mark, I knew that we would be instant friends, but I didn't realize that we were "practically the same person," as he likes to say. That might make our relationship a bit narcissitic, but I like to think of it as just truly understanding how the other operates. We both thrive on learning and growing and change. We stay who we are while developing into the best "who" we can be. We knew each other and were good friends for a few months before we got together...he had broken up with his girlfriend a couple months before, and I was getting out of a miserable marriage. We had both wanted to spend some time single but the attraction seemed insurmountable.

Once, I asked Mark how we could make sure that our relationship will last, and he told me "I'm not sure, I only know that I'm good at beginnings." I said, "so we just always need to be beginning something." It sounds kind of strange, but I think it makes perfect sense. If we're always working and building and growing...always beginning and changing together, then we'll be ok.

We were married June 27, 2009. This must be our third or fourth beginning together. During our engagement, we decided to choose a new last name together; something that would reflect us and be the starting point for our new family. We've made a new creation. We are now the Foxsparrows, and our nest is in each other's hearts. This is where I hope to write about our little nest.

I'm looking forward to a lifetime of new beginnings.